Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday, July 24, 2009

Wow.... Forgot about this.....

Hahahaaaa Hello! Guess what...I made Killboy's "front page" for the second time. This time I'm actually on a bike... not a pocket bike, and not escorting a Semi.
Here I am last time. I was home on R & R from Iraq so I didn't have a real bike.

Friday, January 12, 2007

And so here I am. Thinking ance again about bikes.
I'm not sure to go with the new 07 Ninja ZX6R or
last years 06 Daytona 675. Both are great bikes,
the 675 does not come with a stock black paint job.
So I thought about painting it black. But then I thought
"Why make it all black?" So here are a few different
paint ideas. So far they are all rather plain. I may throw
in some with more excighting ideas. Just basic for now.
This one is like the drawing.
This one is kinda of an opposite.

More black in the middle.

Graphite in the middle and top.
Graphite only in middle.
Graphite top and bottom.
And this one is all black

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Eye am watching you!!!!

I am watching you. Always watching you. You cant escape me. Bwuehahahahahahaha

New Years Eve

Wow it has been very cold recently. It starts aout around 50 at 7:00 pm when I wake up, and then by 7:00 am its like 30 or so. So I have been staying inside as much as possible. Watching movies that I got from friends and relitives as much as I can without going crazy. I loved all the movies by the way. Along with all the other great little trinkets. Thankyou all so much. I also want to thank all the people I dont know.....yet. I loved the packeges and cards.
Well what is everyone doing for New Years Eve night? I have no idea if anything is planned for us. It wouldnt suprise me if our platoon has something planned. If not I will drink my bottle of sparkeling grape juice and watch something.... read the book Dad gave me, American Soldier really good book. I recomend it. And I dont do that often. Anyway, I guess I'll go on to the pics. Have fun.

Here I am walking back from the latrine. Very cold.When it gets cold in the morning the humidity turns to fog.
It floats all the way up from the sea.

My candle made a lava effect as it melted. I'm a pyro. Oh well...My ASV all washed off and ready to role.

All our trucks in Fallujah!! sp?

A pic of the chow hall for Amy.... this is only half. The other half is behind me along with the cereal bar, dessert bar, sandwitch bar, and fruit stand.

Our little company area. Complete with B-ball cour, V-ball net and two little shade thinggys. Yes, thinggy is a word.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

So It rained here the other day and cleaned all the polution and smell out of the air. And now the air is quite clean. Its nice you can go outside and take a deep breath of fresh, clean, cold air. It make me wish I was snowboarding with friends and family. sniffle sniffle. Oh well Merry Christmas everyone. Joe

Monday, December 11, 2006

Wow it has been a while. Sorry everyone. So it is now December and it is still warm here durring the day. But it is very cold at night. I had a good birthday last month and enjoyed everyones letters and packages very much. I have so much Candy now. I dont really eat much but I'll snack on it every now and then. So my camera is broken and stolen, but have no fear Dad is sending me a new one. So I lost some really awsome pics and some great small videos but its all ok. I'll just have to take more!!
So is everyone having a good Christmas break? I hope so. There are decorations here and there. Alot of people have put up little homey touches. Its cool. Wellp off to the pics.

Well here I am talking to one of my budds.

Here was a view on moriing out my front I am very board

This is my new mode of transportwe visited one of the palaces one day. It was crazy nice. there were millons on dollars just in marble

Oh well once I get my camera I'll put up more. Take it easy everyone and have a Merry Christmas

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Well here it is. The desert. We have just gotten up to Iraq, after beeing in Kuwait for two weeks or so. Things are well. I am waiting to go on my first misson. I am rather stoked. Other than that all I really do is eat, sleep, and miss my family and friends. oh well on to some pics.
In this picture you can see sand and some bushes.

Here is the setting sun.

this is a cool little hill thing.

Here I am looking for a movie to watch.Driving in Kuwait.

This is a camel threw binos not my scope. Behold sand!

Well I dont feal like working anymore......later